Cheer (Social Media)


Cheer is an online community platform for artists to share their work, give and receive feedback on their work, learn creative skills from one another, and open their own online store. Aside from connecting with others, users can also save any work or tutorials as mood boards.

Feature: 2020-2021 Voice Award: Juan Escalante - Inclusive Teaching



Unlike other similar apps—Behance, Instagram, Dribble, etc. where creatives are able to share their work, the notion of likes are not the main focus within Cheer’s platform; as a result, only the artist will be able to see the amount of people who like their work. Cheer encourages their users to inspire and support one another as a way of improving their creative journey.


User Personas

Common wants and needs with Cheer:

  • An social media platform that focuses on encouraging users to give feedback to each other

  • Learn from other artists/designers

  • Help other creatives along with themselves grow

  • Set up an online shop from within the same platform

  • Save work that they find to be inspiring and save them for future references


Competitive Audit

A few popular creative social media apps are studied in both analyses. The UI analysis consists of branding aspects while the UX analysis includes key features in each app. 


Colors and Typography

The colorful palette reflects a joyful, lively, and welcoming feel to the app complimented by the use of a sans serif font to maintain a contemporary, clean, and simple aesthetic.


The main focus is to generate a welcoming and encouraging community—hence the name, Cheer, for artists to seek comfort in sharing their work for tips of improvement from other artists’. Additionally, the opportunity for creatives to sell their original product creations is another form of support all served within the same platform.


User Journeys

Based on the user journeys, it provided confirmation that users are able to:

  • Efficiently give feedback on work

  • Set up and manage their own online shop

  • Communicate with other users

  • Access saved posts 

  • Track their purchase history

  • Browse through work, shops, and learning materials

  • Receive activity notifications

  • Post work or tutorials


UI Sketches and Wireframes

As final sketches led to the development of wireframes, alterations in the layouts continued to carry on with user testing in order to maintain a user-friendly experience.


High-Fidelity Prototype


Savor (Recipes & Delivery)
UI/UX Accessible App


9 Dots
Print & Digital